Each place is magical. In the end though....I love my home country. It's got issues, warts and problems...but it is still home. I've been thinking a bit lately about travel. Partially because of a possible new position at work that would require me to travel (assuming I get it) around Florida. Part of it being the anniversary of Jack Kerouac's death (one of my favorite writers).
Partially because of some the the blogs I read and their adventures. How you can give up nearly everything to discover that you have all you need (Road Pickle). About traveling down the Eastern Coast of the the US (Which is what Motorcycle Addiction did this summer), or across the US and Canada (Riding the Wet Coast). The insanity that will be the 2014 Scooter Cannonball.
This is why I travel. To experience that joy. To have that connection and maybe see something I've not seen before, or something I need to see in a new light.
To have that wonderful human experience. Sometimes it's easy to forget that I live in paradise. It's to easy to be caught up in the day to day grind and we tend to forget that the world is full of endless wonder. I know, I sound like a new age hippy.
I have a deep and profound respect for life, history and the natural world. I want to share that love with others which is why I write.
So I thought I would share a few things with you gentle reader from the most recent adventure. Funny thing, for a rattlesnake festival I didn't see one snake!
I liked this little road sign we found at a mutlt-family barn sale. Some amazing old furniture, auto's and various odds and ends. It was also at the end of a neat little twisty road that demanded further attention at a later date.
I'm not sure of the make or year on this but loved the look of the machine. I sometimes wonder if the cars and trucks today will be looked at as works of art in 30,40, 50 years.
Kids lining up for the "Gopher Turtle" races. The turtles were actually wood and your pulled on the strings to get them to move forward.
A closer look at the "Turtle" The head moved side to side and each kid got some sort of prize even if the turtle didn't finish the race. I am glad I did not try the turtle soup they had for sale.
Finally a old band from Pittsburgh known as the Gathering Field. Back about 20 years ago they had a minor hit nationally with this song. I understand they have reformed and are starting to tour again. I just think it suits my mood right now.
You don't sound like a "new age hippie". You sound like someone who is paying attention.
Small town festivals are the best!
Sometimes, small town festivals can be quite entertaining. I am glad you found something fun to do. Probably with more character than you would have experienced at the Expo.
What are in the jars hanging from the trees?
The jars were actually empty but I loved the way they caught the light.
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