I have to be honest. I've been down in the proverbial dumps lately. Life has got in the way again and again and I've not been able to do what I love. Even eating has been a chore as of late.
Having suffered from depression for years, I was not ready to give into that darkness. Then, because life is a strange and wonderful thing, two things happened in rapid succession. The first is that I got a wonderful IM on the
Scootdawg forum which really made my day. The other was a long phone call with a good and old friend about the nature of creativity. He's a fellow writer (
you can buy his wonderful first novel here) and a fellow biker.
I hate you!!! Yes, I hate you! You turned me on to reading your scooting blog, and then I went to the links for more scooting blogs. Having those blogs were not enough, so I went to the links of those blogs, and so forth, until not only do I do scooting reads, I went to any motorized 2 wheeler blogger throughout the world...
I now have a list of 27 bloggers that are currently posting that I read religiously every day. Everything to Princess Scooterpie to Ruckus Scooter Love to Real Men Ride Vespas, and I am constantly looking for more blogs to read...
It has gotten me out of bed many a day, because it's hard to read so many blogs with a small iPhone4S in bed..
A writer's job, at least in my opinion, is to get people to think. They don't have to agree with you, but at least now they are thinking about the subject in hand differently. The greatest thing that ever happened to me as a writer was being recognized in a bar during a soccer game - "
Hey, I read your articles all the time on A-league.com! You guys really know what your talking about!" Sadly that site is now defunct.
Although an article posted on that site got a very long forum discussion going on
Big Soccer site. The title of the thread?
"Rob Wilson is an idiot." Getting people to think, to question...that is what I want to do.
I like non-fiction writing. While it's fun to create your own worlds, no matter how fantastic, I prefer the "teaching" aspect of non-fiction. Many of you may never visit Florida, or Pittsburgh, or wherever I happen to point my bike's wheels. What I hope to do is provide a little glimpse of my world.
The problem is that I've not had the desire to write that much.
Enter my good friend Brook and a long conversation about the nature of creativity. Basically at the end of a two hour phone conversation what we had managed to do was to drink a six pack of
Shiner Bocks - although he may have had a few more than me judging from that familiar and distinctive tapping sound that a bottle makes hitting a table - and realize that "Writers write and bikers ride."
It would be to easy to write about the other things I care about. While I may be a "voice of reason" when it comes to politics; the current environment does not call from reason. Besides...who wants to read something that actually might make sense?
Riding has exposed me to a larger world. To ideas, people who I might never meet and interesting places I might never have seen. I still have fond memories of butterfly's on tombstones during one such adventure. I ride to see...to discover...to experience
These last few months have had me questioning why I want to ride. Why I blog even. Thanks to feedback and friendship I know why. Now it's just a matter of time till the next adventure. The next story.