As it so happened I had a few days off and I decided to use my time effectively and catch up on my reading, my TV watching (I watch maybe 3 shows religiously and other wise would have the TV off) and a few other odds and ends that needed done. I even managed to do some weeding in the garden, and get bit by a few fire ants in the process. We even found time to take in a movie at the local cineplex and wash the bike.
In other words the hurricane did something for me that I was not expecting. It slowed time down and gave me time to do things.
I've also been reminiscing a bit lately due to one of the books I've been reading; Eric Brende's Better Off - Flipping the switch on Technology. I am all about trying to make my life simpler and ever since watching a 70's British sitcom titled Good Neighbors on my local PBS station, a wonderful little sitcom about a family that decides to go off the the middle of London. Imagine raising pigs, chickens and goats in the middle of a city block! I have been in love with the ideas of self sufficiency and later permaculture.

If your not familiar with Brende's book, it basically deals with his 18 months living in a "minimalist" community, where all but the most basics of technology is shunned. So he learns about craftsmanship, community and how time actually opens up when you take a slower route. Time to spend with friends, family and learning new skills, all without the benefit of most modern technology. In a way this applies to bikers, as I have made new friends and learned new skills...simply because I took a different route.
It's an interesting book, and full of interesting idea about the roles technology plays in our lives. In becoming a one car family, we have reduced our carbon footprint; and in theory saved money as well on things like gas, insurance and other "incidentals." At the same time I find myself looking into the idea of getting a Smart Phone with GPS and other functions. Something I really don't need but I could see using in the future. That's the problem with always want more of it. Which in turn complicate's your life...and my cell phone bill. Which is the theme of Brende's book.
Looking for a new phone, learning how to replace the belt on my CVT, installing a rain barrel to catch rain run off to reduce my water consumption and water my organic garden. Simple machines that become complex. Simple easy ideas that people have forgotten. What role does technology play in my life? Why would I gladly give up TV but not the computer for example?
I guess I just have to find my balance.