A friend of mine shared an animated GIF to his Facebook page (which for some reason I can not make work on Blogger - I tried) that shows his how his year went. It started well, and as he progressed down the slide it got rockier, till at the very end (now shown as December) he rockets off the slide and face plants into the dirt.
Funny...but very accurate.
It's been another year of health concerns (not so much mine but Susan's), incidents, accidents and me complaining about the heat. A gasket that literally had to come on a slow boat from Asia didn't help matter either. Nor did various battery/electrical issues. All these things it seemed conspired to keep me off the bike. Or at least made me feel like I didn't ride the way I have in the past.
Even though it's the last day of December the weather outside is gorgeous. We're predicted to have a high of 84 degrees today (29 C) with only a 20% of rain, weather I know many of my fellow bloggers would die for. I really don't feel like riding We have had weather like that since the start of December, yet my Kimmie has sat, lonesome in her spot in my driveway. This has had more to do with me not wanting to ride or being willing to ride than anything.
Earlier in the year I considered trading her in, thinking that starting a new relationship with a new bike would break me out of my malaise. Or selling her altogether. In the end though, I've formed a special little relationship with my Kimmie and letting her go would be like losing a part of who I am.

Sadly however, not all these adventures were in the saddle. Still though, they were adventures.
I'm looking forward to the arrival of Bobscoot and plan on showing him the sites, places that I've not made it to on my bike yet have visited in the past. Places that I want to go but haven't yet. So yes, I guess I'm looking forward to 2016.
Kimmie and I are not done yet, we still have roads to ride and sights to see, but I need to stop being the "whiny little bitch" that I've become over the last year. There is great potential in the coming year...and I have to take advantage of that potential.
In a bit I'll ride for an hour, maybe two. Another fifty miles or so will be added to her speedometer. I don't see me putting any milage on that to her. I'll come back in and duly edit to post, so I can have a record for the coming year.
Last year I started with 21736 miles (or 34,981 KM). For the end of the year milage...it ended up being 26900. Or only 5,164 miles for 2015. About 1000 less than the year before. Not good, not good at all.
Happy New Year then to all my friends and family. Be safe, be well and be happy.